VeloRaptor Update – May 2018

VeloRaptor News!

VeloRaptors looking good – Russ leads our pack,  and he looks the part, with his new bike and matching outfit. Here he is on a recent Sunday ride!


Always a good idea to stop at stop signs, especially if it is a New STOP sign.  Found this one along the Carquinez Scenic Byway on a recent 4th Saturday Ride.


A few of us attended the Bike East Bay Pig Roast fund raiser and ‘goodby’ to Rene Rivera, BEB director who is leaving.  Not shown are Howard and Steve G. who also enjoyed the festivities.


The hills are green and riding in Marin is fabulous right now.  Here is Fred, rolling through a meadow on Chileno Valley Rd.  We also saw some bovine action along Hwy 1 between Tomales and Pt. Reyes Station.


Finally, we had a Wednesday Outlier ride in Livermore in mid-April.  Here is a pic from the top of Tesla Rd.  Post ride lunch at Garre’ Winery was fabulous.




VeloRaptor Fun – OFF the bike

The VeloRaptors have hatched a subgroup of golfers.  This group (termed the HackoRaptors by Kevin M.) had a great day of golf at Chardonnay in Napa, playing in the Orion Fund Charity Tournament. This tournament was founded by our own Pam H. and supports college students that are in a health crisis. The group pic shows our trophy, and bottles of wine awarded to us for having the most fun! Randy and Steve were named co-captains, for no particular reason.Orion Golf Tournament1 Orion Golf Tournament 2Orion Golf Tournament 3

Bike Wash is June 3 / Annual Meeting is June 4

VELORAPTORS ANNUAL MEETING – JUNE 4 The annual meeting is scheduled for Sunday, June 4 at Sibley.  The group usually arrives there around 9:15.  A detailed announcement regarding board nominations, etc. will follow.
I hope to see you there.
-Steve B


Keeping the VeloRaptors annual summer party and BORP Revolution Bike Wash party going, once again Steve G., Steve B. and Randy are assuming the lead role for staging our fantastic annual VeloRaptors B.O.R.P Revolution fundraiser.  And yes, now many of us will have been riding a lot, so it’s time to celebrate, spend time with other club members and get your bikes cleaned at the TEAM VELORAPTORS BIKEWASH.  Our  team of volunteers is getting ready to wash your bike;  again this year’s “lead washers” Dennis C, Randy M., and Kevin M. will make your bike sparkle and your chain drive hum for a mere $25 donation to the BORP fundraiser!  Any other members that would like to help with the bike wash let Randy know. This is a great opportunity for all you Velos to get your drive train cleaned and lubed.

Donations for food and drink are an additional $25:  the main course along with wine/beer that you will enjoy is well worth the money, and remember we are raising money for a great cause!

…the particulars are:

When: Saturday, June 3, 2017
Bike Wash:  2:00pm – 4:30pm
BBQ: 5:00pm `til not-too-terribly-late

Where: Randy and Christina’s House
in Moraga.

A few things you might want to know:
• We’ll have beer, wine, and other beverages. We’ll also have assorted Kabobs (Beef, Chicken & Shrimp) and munchies. Bring a side dish, dessert or appetizer you want to share. So that I can get an idea on the amount of food & beverages, please RSVP to the invitation you will soon receive.
• The more the merrier – spouses, families, and friends welcome.
• Come  early if you want your bike washed…there will be a line…
• Dennis and Kevin will be helping Steve B. and Randy wash and clean your bikes. Any other volunteers are appreciated.
• Steve and Randy will be recruiting members to ride the Revolution on Saturday, September 24, 2017. We had 13 riders last year and it would be nice to increase our number of riders for 2017. So, let’s have a great time joining other riders at a wonderful venue (Trentadue Winery). Registration will open in a few weeks.

To learn more about the BORP Revolution go online, or ask while at the BIKEWASH –BBQ, or call Randy/Steve.

By the way, last year was the fifth consecutive year our club riders raised  over $14,000 plus for BORP,\!  Congratulations to all the VeloRaptors who helped.  Let’s beat this amount and increase our number of riders for the 2017 ride!!