Information for the Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday standard rides are listed below.
We often include a Saturday ride each month to explore different parts of the Bay Area. These are announced during the week prior to the ride.
Sunday Ride
On Sunday our standard ride is a tour of the East Bay hills in Oakland and Berkeley, followed by a cruise through Orinda and Moraga, ending with a climb up Pinehurst. We leave from Nelly’s Coffee shop, next to the Post Office in Montclair, wheels roll at 8:45 am sharp! Total distance if riding from Montclair is 33 miles with a bit less than 3000 ft of ascent.
Route Summary – for those familiar with the East Bay cycling routes – we ride from Montclair to Caldecott field (regroup), up Tunnel to Sibley (regroup), Grizzly Peak to Steam Trains (regroup), Grizzly Peak to Shasta then Wildcat Canyon/Orinda/Moraga (coffee and snack in Moraga), return via Pinehurst through Canyon.
A bit more detail
Starting from Montclair, ride North to Lake Temescal and take the bike path above the lake over to Broadway. Right onto Broadway and spin up to Caldecott field (regroup at Caldecott).
Cross the freeway and turn right onto Tunnel road and enjoy the views of the bay on your ascent. Stop at Sibley Park for a long regroup.
Leave Sibley and ride North on Grizzly Peak Blvd up to Steam Trains in Tilden Park for another regroup.
From Steam Trains continue north on Grizzly Peak to Shasta and go right on Shasta into Tilden Park – brief regroup just as we enter the park. Descend Shasta to Wildcat Canyon, and then right on Wildcat Canyon, past Inspiration Point, descending to Camino San Pablo, regroup again at the intersection.
South (right) on Camino San Pablo, to Orinda where we stop for coffee and snacks, and then on to Moraga.
Return from Moraga by going west on Moraga Road to Pinehurst, then right on Pinehurst, through Canyon and up the Pinehurst climb to Skyline.
Wednesday Ride
The Wednesday ride starts at Starbucks in Montclair Village at 9am. The ride heads south on Mountain Blvd turns right onto La Salle avenue and then Left on Monterey Blvd. From this point the riders work their way up Lincoln ave to Butter dr and climb the gentle turns to the top at Skyline Blvd. The group then heads south on Skyline and turns left on Redwood road, from there the group climbs over Pinehurst Road and finally turn right a Canyon road and enter the town of Moraga. The group generally has coffee at Si Si’s before returning to Montclair via Canyon road, Pinehurst and Shepard Canyon Road.
Many in the club opt to extend the ride by continuing on to Orinda for coffee, and returning via Wildcat Rd to the top of the Berkeley hills, then taking various routes back to their homes.
Saturday Ride
On Saturdays there is a ride designed for beginning cyclists which leaves from “The Warehouse” at 416 26th, Oakland (between Telegraph and Broadway) at approx. 8:45 am, doors open at 8:15 am. This is a flat ride to Pt Richmond and back, about 30 miles round trip, much of it on the Bay Trail. The group stops in Pt Richmond before heading back to Oakland.
To learn more about this ride, please contact Ron Scrivani at