President’s Message May 2013

Hello all you Veloraptors:

Let me start by saying I am honored to have been elected as your new President by the Board of Directors, following the May 20th Members meeting held at Sibely Volcanic Park.  Prior to the Board meeting, the members attending the annual membership meeting re-elected Susan Stewart (outgoing president) and Robin Brumell to their second 2-year terms as Directors and Tom Wilging to his first 2-year term as Director. Having been a member of the Board for the past 3 years, I have had the privilege of working with the many committed VeloRaptors who volunteer  so much of their time to our club. It is all the volunteers, along with the full membership, who make our group so much fun. So, thank you Susan for being our President for the past 2 years, and thanks to the many volunteers that plan and lead the Saturday, Wednesday, and special rides. It’s because of all the volunteers’ work that we have many fun rides to participate in each year.  Of course, a special thanks is in order for the volunteers who bring us special events like the Holiday Party, Halloween, and BORP Bike Wash Party, to name just a few.

As President, I look forward to working with the Board, the volunteers and all the special committees, to make the coming year fun and rewarding. And, remember, what makes the VeloRaptors such a fun group is not just our members, but their significant others and guests who make-up the VeloRaptors family.

Let’s have a great year, and I look forward to hearing from all members as to how we can keep improving our club experience.

Randy Mellin

PS: We continue to have  great participation in the Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday rides. So, if you haven’t been riding much, please come out and join the fun.


2013 Bike Wash Party and BORP Support

YES the Veloraptor annual “BIKEWASH and BORP Party” will take place June 22, 2013.  Please check your emails for the invitation and be sure to RSVP.  You can now go to the “” and join the VeloRaptors team.  Last year we had 17 riders and raised over $14,000 for this worthy cause, lets see if we can improve on last year’s results this year.  Once again Randy Mellin and Steve Goldenberg are co-chairs of the VeloRaptors BORP “BIKEWASH Party” and the VeloRaptors BORP Revolution team.

Membership Application and Waiver Release and Consent

The Membership form and the Waiver Release and Consent are one in the same, by signing the bottom of the form you are signing the Waiver. Only new members need to submit payment.  Ongoing members pay yearly.

Please click on the following link to get a printable version of the form.  Fill out and mail the completed form to Steve Blair at 3700 Lakeshore Ave, Oakland,  CA 94610. VeloRaptor Membership Application and Waiver